
"Wireless Security Architecture" Now Shipping Worldwide

My new book published with Wiley, "Wireless Security Architecture: Designing and Maintaining Secure Wireless for Enterprise" is now shipping worldwide. Available as e-book and in print from Wiley, Amazon, and book retailers near you!

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2022.04.12 10:14 - Comment(s)
Showdown: Zero Trust vs. NAC
In the world of zero trust networking, organizations are asking how a zero trust approach fits in with their network access control (NAC) strategy. Here are some thoughts on what you should be considering as you navigate zero trust and NAC.
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The CIO's Guide to Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) Architecture
Here's a quick down and dirty primer comparing the new Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture to our traditional perimeter security methods.
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Wireless Security Trends (CISO Network Security Cheat Sheet)
A quick overview of 3 top trends in wireless security for CISOs and CIOs with a look at new WPA3 security, WiFi 6E, and CBRS/Private LTE/Private 5G with 1-3 key take-aways for each technology trend.
2021.06.23 20:05 - Comment(s)
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